Thursday, December 30, 2010

31 December

This is the 50th posted post.....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the last four post that I post in this blog in this year.The three post below and this post
that you are reading now and that's make four post.Hope you read all of these post.

Wish you a Happy New Year.


Today is the last day of the week of the month of the term of the year before 2011.I hope you spend this day the best day in 2010.Well time flies very fast now.......Hope next year things going well for me,my sibling,parents,uncle,untie,grandfather,grandmother and more at home,school,mall,zoo,garden,park,beach,void deck,restaurant and more.......

I wish things gone BETTER!!!!


Tomorrow,I have to block everyone to my blog because I'm going to change to a new blog.Hope the my new blog will be even better than this one.It will be unblock the next three days...I think.....


Question one,think what you have done this year 2010 and is that good or not?

If yes:Good well done.Does it change you or the world or other?Well anyway well done....

If not:YOU STIN......I mean I think you can change that bad one that you have done into well....good.

Now next question, have you read the newspaper or watch the news channel about what happen to the globe? Well there's DISASTER like VOLCANO ERUPTED,FLOOD,EARTHQUAKE and more.What about WAR,RACIST and others fight?This affect the Earth and if this did not stop,I wounder what happen to us in the future?Are you going to involves this situation or stop them?It depends on you.Well look at the bright side.At least others tried to save the Earth and stop the situation.Join like this person,change the Earth into a better place.Lets all try to stop all of this nonesence thing that make the world an unpeace.About the disaster,you can't change it.It's natural and nobody will stop it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

28 Deceber 2010

2 more days before 2011.....................Which means that school open soon.Sometime, you might think it's good to go back to school and sometime not.It depends on your mind if its interested to you or not.


Just now, I went to the dump behind my blog and I saw......................... about 40 DEAD
COCKROACH.Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... Look at the picture on the left. The small thing you see was dead cockroach.

(Please do not look at this picture
if you hate COCKROACH)

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Wish all the Christian a Merry Christmas.....

Just now,I buy a Wii.This is something like Playstation 1,2,3,Xbox 360 and Gamecube but the diffrent is that this station will not need to pluck the controller to the station.I know that Wii is not good enough but for is is good for me.Got to go playing............Bye.....

(My Wii's colour black)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

24 December

I'm sorry and the reason of it......:

Sorry that I did not post anything for the a week ago due to busy.I have a reason why.To know what I'm doing from 18 Dec to 23 Dec , they are written below:

18 Dec(Saturday)and 19 Dec(Sunday):My cousin's wedding and he lives a few blocks away.My other cousin sleep here.About 15 of them sleep here and can't play the Internet due to many people which means that I can't post.

20Dec(Monday):I have no idea what I'm doing that day.Sorry.....

21Dec(Tuesday):Almost a day at Airport for shopping???????????That's what my mother said.

22Dec(Wednesday) and 23Dec(Thursday):My Sister don't let me play the Internet........I'm MAD!!!!!!!

That's why....



Yesterday(23December 2010)I went to the cinema and watch a movie called"Gulliver's Travels''

It was the funniest movie I ever watch but it was weird in the end......if you want to know what happen,go watch yourself. Overall,it's not that good enough to beat Narnia show but funny than Narnia.

About the movie(copy by web):
In a contemporary reimagining of the classic tale, Jack Black stars as Gulliver, a bigtalking mailroom clerk who, after he's mistakenly assigned a travel piece on the Bermuda Triangle, suddenly finds himself a giant among men when he washes ashore on the hidden island of Lilliput, home to a population of very tiny people. At first enslaved by the diminutive and industrious Liliputians, and later declared their hero, Gulliver comes to learn that its how big you are on the inside that counts.


Wondering where's the''Part 3'' of my planning for the new blog:

Well to be honest, I did not prepare what I'm going to blog for this thing.Sorry....

The ''part 3'' might be post soon.Hopefull....

Friday, December 17, 2010

Planning a new blog.....Part2 of 3

My new blog will have the fish thing and text box.I'm sorry because I did not add the text box for you to chat in this blog.The new blog also have a new web.One is my home blog and another is my journal web(Hope you know what I mean)I will show you the pictures that what will my blog looks like tomorrow.I'm still working on it on what would look like

(End of part 2.To be continue.........)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Planning a new blog.....Part1 of 3

My new blog will still have a few of the things that's are in my blog.I think I would like to keep the background and the journal thing.The movie date................ I still need to think about that and of course the blog post must have because all blog will have this than otherwise, where are they going to post what they are posting.

(End of part 1.To be continue..........)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I watch at cinema............

Last Friday(10 December 2010),I went to Vivocity to watch a movie called " Chronicles of Narnia :Voyage Of The Dawn Treader".This is the best movie I ever watch in the cinema this year.
The story is about(Copy from webside):

This time around Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their pesky cousin Eustace Scrubb find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to a fantastic Narnian ship headed for the very edges of the world.

Joining forces once again with their royal friend Prince Caspian and the warrior mouse Reepicheep, they are whisked away on a mysterious mission to the Lone Islands, and beyond. On this bewitching voyage that will test their hearts and spirits, the trio will face magical Dufflepuds, sinister slave traders, roaring dragons and enchanted merfolk. Only an entirely uncharted journey to Aslan's Country a voyage of destiny and transformation for each of those aboard the Dawn Treader can save Narnia, and all the astonishing creatures in it, from an unfathomable fate.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm gonna change my blog........

Did you realised that there's a change of my blog so far?Well this is just what my blog looks like coming soon.I 'm gonna change or upgrade my blog into something better than my usual one like now.
Next week,I'm gonna post about what I plan for my blog and if possible,I'm gonna draw and post it to my blog what it suppose to looks like before doing it.Now,I'm busy about my new blog.I can't wait to show you my new blog.I might be showing you next year(Jan 2011).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are you bored?

Are you enjoying your holiday right now?Well if you said "Yes'', you are wrong.If you have something interesting to do and you keep continue doing it well I might say that you won't enjoy it for long. It took about a couples of days for you to not enjoy the thing that you want to do..

If I'm wrong and your right,well I have nothing to say.

Enjoy your holiday.................................

Sunday, December 5, 2010

From this December....

Hi and first of all, I would like to apologise because after the last post that I posted to the blog,I did not post like more than a week.So starting 8 December,I will post a new one.Every week of this December,I will post new things every Wednesday,Friday and Saturday.Sometime I'm not free every Wednesday and Saturday because I'm busy with others thing and sometime I even did not know what to post so..............I hope you know what I mean..

So anyway,while I 'm thinking of what should I post for next week,you just wait and enjoy your holiday......

A Shocking news

Shocking news at Tampines st71 BLK 732. A dead baby in the public dusbin being found by a person this morning.Police arrived a few hours later.

That's all......................

Friday, December 3, 2010

Guinness World Record(2011 Edition) On sale

Hey everyone! The GWR (Guinness World Record ) book 2011 edition is now on sale at any book store.....(In Singapore and Malaysia and might be in other country too!).In the book, there's new people set a record .There are also people that you will recognise like Khagendra Thapa Magar(Shortest Tennage Boy),Michael Jackson and more.
Why are you waiting for?Go buy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is 19 November and it was the last day of school.Everyone by now were planning what to do during the holidays.Why don't people spend their holidays with their family.At least you get to know each other rather than spend your holidays with your friends more than your family.Anyway if I'm wrong and your right,it doesn't matter.

Hope you will spend your holidays wisely.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya!

Wish all the Muslim

Selamat Hari Raya Haji

Friday, November 5, 2010

Have you been here before?

Yesterday[4 November 2010],my family,uncle,grandmother/father and I went to a restaurant called "Chicken Champ".Most of the food were available at there were fast-food.My family,uncle,grandmother/father and I enjoyed eating at there because the food was delicious.
This restaurant were only at 60 Bussorah Street,near Masjid Sultan in Singapore.

This is what I comment about the food at there."It was really good even thought it took a long time for the food to serve us.I wish I would come here again."

This is what I rate over 50 about the restaurant:

Delicious about the food:9/10
Waiting for the food to serve to us:5/10
Comforble place to sit:10/10

This is some of the picture that I took yesterday.[Shown above]
[Top :1/2 Spring Chicken]
[Below the top:6" submarine tuna]
[Above the bottom :Fish & Chips]
[Bottom:Potatoes havens[If i'm not wrong]]

I hope after reading this, you will go to the restaurant and enjoy yourself at there.

*The food at there are quiet expensive.Hope you could bring enough money for yourself or with your friends and families at there.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weird or TRUE!:Baby on time

There was a timely arrival for Samantha Noble of Florida who gave birth to her third child at 3.33 p.m. on 3 March 2003.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm back!

Hello and I'm back for new post soon.I would like to apologised to post this today and not 3 days ago which I was planning to do so.....

During the exams week,I get to play the computer for a few minutes only.So during it , I tried to change my blog.Nice right?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When I would not post...........

Hi.This is my last post before my exams and I will post a new post after my exams.

The days I can't post is from 4Sep10 to 20Sep10.

Until than,goodbye................
(I don't even know what this means(above).I just copy from a book......

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Asean National flowers(Part 1)

Look below and you may see 4 pictures of National flower in Brunei,Cambodia,Indonesia and Laos.

This are the list of some of the National flower in Asean.(Asean= Association of Southeast Asian Nations.):
Flower name:Bunga simpur
Why it was chosen:The flower's yellow hue resembles the royal colour of the Brunei king while its purple crown-like stamens and style signify the royal household as purple is the colour of imperial status.
Flower name:Rumdul
Why it was chosen:The Rumble plant is hardy,and can grow anywhere,symbolising Cambodia's stability to survive any challenges,particularly the economic downturn.
Flower name:Rafflesia,Jasmine
Why it was chosen:The 2 flowers are distributed in different areas of Indonesia,making a fair representation of the country.(Obove,you may see one of it)
Flower name:Dok Champa
Why it was chosen:Planted throughout the country,particularly near monastic areas,the flower represents sincerity and joy of life.When in full bloom,the flower depicts the Lao people's warm hospitality,genuine friendship and affection.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weird but TRUE:Mike the headless chicken

Have you ever slaughter a chicken?They will die right?But this chicken survive after slaughter Mike the chicken!It owner name Lloyd Olsen had been taking care of Mike for 4 YEARS.That's weird but TRUE!Mike is popular....This is what I found at Wikipedia about Mike details:
Other appellation(s) Mike the Headless Chicken, Miracle Mike
Species :Gallus gallus domesticus
Breed Wyandotte
Sex: Male
Born :April 1945
Fruita, Colorado, USA
Died :March 1947
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Nation from :United States of America
Owner :Lloyd Olsen

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry that I have not post any thing from first week of September to now.

Cooming soon:I post when I could not enter my blog which means that I will not post during those days.........

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Seprtember Holiday.

Wish you a Happy September Holiday!Use this time wisely for term 4 exams!.This holidays only for Singapore.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hauted changi night

This movie is REAL!Read below about the making!!!!!!!! The four-person Singapore crew – director Andrew Lau, producer / host Sheena Chung, cameraman Audi Khalis and sound engineer Farid Azlam – posted 16 interactive blog entries from January 27, 2010 – April 30, 2010.In January of 2010, a group of local filmmakers began exploring the famously haunted Old Changi Hospital in Singapore with terrifying and tragic results. This movie pieces together the original Haunted Changi film crew’s footage to tell the full story of what happened.

After some research, I discovered the following facts:
•OCH was originally built as a British military barracks in the 1930s and is actually considered to be one of the most haunted places in the world.
•The Japanese military, who gained control of the island in a 1942 WWII battle known as “The Battle of Singapore,” used OCH as their headquarters from 1942-1945 and there were many rumors of secret tunnels, torture chambers and executions of POWs conducted on the grounds.
•In the 1950s, the former military flashpoint was turned into a public hospital and officially named Changi Hospital.
•The Singapore government shut down operations at Old Changi Hospital in 1997 and it has since been abandoned. Well that's all I know.
This movie shows in cinema on 2nd September.
For more information, log on to this webside:
href=" ">

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Earth changing

Is getting hot around here!!!!!!!Global warming.Pls pls oh pls let's save the Earth.Even a kid can do too to keep the environment clean and protect the Earth like using recycle olastic.It's not too late to save it.

Happy 53th Birthday Malaysia!

Hi.Wish Malaysian a 53th menderka.(31 August/Ogos )

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What do you think about my blog so far?

This is the 25th post.YAY!If you don't like the look of my blog,comment me in the tageboard.

Could it be....

Singapore is one of the best country in the world.Best place and fine place but this?
This picture took place in Singapore Changi????
For more details about this will publish soon.....

Friday, August 27, 2010

What to gives on Teachers Day

What to gives on Teacher Day?This is what I will give to my teacher if can....
1.Make a thing
2.Expensive things(up to 20 dollars)

Whatever it is,I bet you gives your teacher even better things than me.


Hi I'm back.It's too bad that Singapore lose over Haiti (0-2) but that;s does not mean that's over.Singapore vs Montenegro and Singapore win!Well Singapore YOG is over....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A very short story OR not:Don't play with fire

There was a time we need to use the fire.
We used it for cooking,to keep us warm and others.
But not to play with it.
It may burn your house and your belonging and your love's one.
It can end your life.
Let's put this way:
Small fire is our friend,
Big fire is our enemy.
Get it?

YOG(Singapore vs Haiti in soccer)

Hey guys, tonight I'm going to watch soccer in the stadium....
Singapore vs Haiti.Who will win?Catch it on Channel 5 (22 August 2010, 8.30p.m.-?)

and by the way,
Happy Youth Olympic Games Singapor 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010


Hey you guys,did you know that on 5 August (in Singapore),you can watch Avatar The Last Airbender in cinema?The Last Airbender is originally from a cartoon until this year,filming people.Basically the story is about 4 nations that can control the elements; fire, air, water and earth.So if you are a water nation,you control water and if earth, you control earth and same as the others but if you are an avatar,you can control all nation.Cool right?I wander what I will be to meet avatar in real life....

Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy birthday me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello and today,27 July,is my birthday!I'm now 13...Check out two new post I added below.Enjoy.....

This month of Poem.....(Is there any chance of my recreation?-by Aditi Saxena )

I see the dark Clouds, the blurred imagination
Is there any chance of my recreation?

When I could walk, I went for sleep
I want to stand but now I even can’t breath

I want to shatter this wall, I need salvation
Is there any chance of my recreation?

The ways were ruined, I found me dead
I fall many times, but eradicate that threat

I am waiting for that flash to get a clear vision
Is there any chance of my recreation?

I have that glow I know, I have that shine
I can even cross horizon and can reach the divine

I need some path to spoil abomination
Is there any chance of my recreation?

A very short story Or NOT!

One day,a man in China love to fight .He very confiden and always make a promise to fight.He never ever lose.Till one night,he had a dream to fight everyone that he won last time.In the end he lose.He wake up and laught that this would never happen but the next fight he fight with,he lose.A few days later,he kept losing and din't want yo fight again...

Monday, July 12, 2010

What's up!(July)

Hello and check my new Template.Well I know it's kind of not good but you know.....

From now on I can post on Saturday and Sunday and Public holiday because study lah....

Sorry for not blog a month a ago.......

Monday, June 14, 2010

A very short story OR NOT!

A boy name Alex who loves to steal things in school.Nobody knows is him until a girl name Suzy saw him stealing earse in the classroom on recess time.The teacher told him to give away the things that he steal.The teacher question him in an angry way ,"Who do you learn to steal from?!" he said,"My father".

The end:)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Look at this MRT train.It's very nice but it's vandalized the train.They said that Banksy who do this.Right now his out of Singapore.That's all I know.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cooming this June.....

Hello and today I'm going to tell you what I want to post soon.The month news and question of the month I QUITE!This is what I'm going to post:

Topic of the month-Talk about what I heard of and going to share with you
A very short story or NOT-A normal story
*A broken English talk-Is where I post with most broken english
*What's up!-Posting the latest buzzzzzz of what I'm going to post
Vide-oh-Is where I post a video

And cooming soon:
Me talk@Blogger-Is where I'm going to post my journal in blogger about that day
Singapore news-Post about great news in Singapore that I like

And very very comming soon:
Animal facts-(I can't tell you)

(If you see * means that are some changes of comform to post or not)

And many more soon.............

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Topic of the month(May 2010):The world is just AWSOME!

Hi.Today topic of the month is the world is just AWSOME!Did you ever notice that the world we are now is AWSOME!?Well I know that some of you believe and some not.50-50.Did you have starhub and go watch Discovery channel?If have: good and if don't have: that's ok.The people in the show love the world.They become famous because they see the world.What "Discover" means to you?To me is they discover new things and learn in the same way first.That's why they become famous and their dream never stop there.More things to be discover soon.People who want to learn more about the things they want to know in this world and learn even further.That's why they think is AWSOME to discover the first.This all start from studying.Study will give you know about the topic.Topic that make you interesting.So as a children like me now must study and hoping for a good job in the future and money. Well That's what I think but I know some of you who are reading this have the answer what "discover" means in a logical answer.I have post a video about the song too!Enjoy:)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

News April 2010

Hi and I'am back for a month ago.Today I'am going to tell you about News in:
Asia:In Thailand ,there's protest because of bla bla bla.......(Sorry).What can be worst,boom in bangkok and I feel sorry for some person who die.In Indonesia,an india person said "Stupid"to the indonesia workers and just that word,everything became a riot for the indonesia persons and this is racist.
Europe:Iceland:Volcano eruption and it's spred the whole Europe for a few days.I think now it's gone.
America:Nuclear boom.
I'm sorry because I did not know some great news................

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A short story OR not:The tree

A boy name Gary who lives in the house in America loves to play his tree at the backyard.He always water the tree but you know that tree can do it by it's own.As the boy grow up to a man, he then move to another house because his wife said it .He feel upset.He then do the last thing before move to his wife house.He use the saw and chop the tree.He cut a wood that shape like a heart.He keep it and leaves the house.Even though Gary in his new home,he sitll have his heart wood by the tree.He will be not alone with his wife and the most,the heart wood.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

News March 2010 (Part1)

Hello and I'm back(from Dec....).Today I will tell you about the Earth.Is damn hot and this is because of people who still thinks that global warming is a scince fiction.Onther news are the eartquake in Haiti(Jan 2010)followed by Chille(Feb 2010)and came to Taiwan.I think earthquake will move and have a disaster around Europ.I'm not really sure but just be prepare.To be continue.....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie coming soon.

Did you know that Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie coming soon on this Summer ?If you don't know what I'am talking about,let me tell you about this thing.This person ,Jeff Kinney,who wrote the book of Diary of a Wimpy Kid book.So far he makes 5 volume of it.For more details, go to and past on top)

Sorry about it .

After 25 December 2009, I did not blog anyhing because I don't know my password.Now I know my password.So I applogise about not blog for more than 1 month.