Wednesday, June 15, 2011

15th June 2011

12 more days to school Singaporean...soooo fast.
''Written by me" no.1:Do you believe in Luck?
To me, I don't believe in luck.I mean 10% believing it.There are sometimes good and sometimes bad happen to me but I don't see it whether it's a luck or not.Many people believe in luck.Some buy lottery tickets because they might get lucky and might win a big prize.I tell you whoever buy it to see if they are in luck might have a 5% of winning(To me) and 95% of losing it.The people who loss will get nothing and this is a waste of time of knowing whether you are in luck or not.Some people wants to know their future.They may ask fortune teller to see their future.This is also related to luck because they want to know are they in luck in the future.For example, if the result from the fortune teller is negative of you in the future, you might believe it and worse, scared or think negative.Knowing that it will be it but if they said it's a positive things in the future about you, you will believe it because that might probably be a good sign and you have nothing to worry about.The problem is do you believe the fortune teller.Sometimes they said is true and sometimes not.This people is quite a mystery.They might be correct because from what I heard that they talk to someone.The someone is..........(seriously, I don't know either).But that ''someone'' wasn't ''us''.Think about it.............................
Anyway before I end this, I have one thing to say: If you believe it, believe it lah......
If I'm not wrong, they are 7'' believe'' words(Include ''believing'' ) I mean 8 of it.
Now Malaysia has this scan finger print thing and it gonna be crowded in Woodlands checkpoint to go to Malaysia, Johor. :(
About my camp (Part 1 )
A few days ago, I camped at my school.First of all, I'm getting used of waking up late during the School holidays.Luckily on that day, I woke up early.I prepare to go to school. My mom just say"Bye and see you soon''.I only camped there about 2 days only and 1 night.The night one's was damn scary but I'm not going to talk about it yet.Anyway where was I .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................oh yeah.Once I reach school.I saw my teachers and seniors who involves with this camp ask me to sit down with the express students.Why I say that because I'm the only normal academic student there.So there will be no best friends at there.There reach there quite early than me.We suppose to begin at 10.30 a.m. . Soon, the camp thing start.The senior told us to follow them to our room.There's boy's room and girl's room.Of course I'm a boy which means that I have to sleep in the boy's room.The rooms were just classroom that removed several tables and chair or even shift them to one side.Well at least they are some space for us boys.Ones we put our things, we go to the next class for a meeting.The senior introduce themselves to us but we all know them already.We do introduce them too.There were like 6 of us juniors at there.The senior give us a paper filled with questions for the first activity.We filled all those question less than an hour.Soon, more student came after the activity ended...............(To be continue...)

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